Forbes and Ursula Carlile JX Qualifying meet

Hi All,

I am accepting entries for the Forbes and Ursula Carlile JX Qualifying meet on Sunday 22 March 2015.

Please complete a multi entry card (pink for girls, blue for boys) and put it in the drop box at the aquatic centre before 6 pm next Wednesday 18 Feb 2015.

Cards can be requested from the reception desk at the aquatic centre. Individual race entry fee is $7.50 per event.

Please pay your entry fees into the Abbotsleigh Swimming Club bank account. Bank details can be found on the club website here.

Please note that at this point in time, there will be no coaches in attendance. If there is a significant number of swimmers attending, a coach will be provided. Children 13 years and under who are in White and Black squad should look at attending this meet.

Kind regards,

Race Secretary