Mixed emotions on the final day – sad to leave the beauty of Noosa, campers will be glad to rest their exhausted bodies after an 11 session week. And that wasn’t counting the last drops of energy wrung out during the Olympic Games style team competition, Beach Wars. Representing Amigos, Bandits, T.O.S.I, Kiwis and Pandas, the swimmers wore bandannas and chanted war cries as they built sand creations, played Captainball and hid in dugouts while pelting tennis balls at the other teams (and occasionally Lea, Brandon and Raf when they ‘got in the way’.) Held on Noosa’s Main Beach, it was a fantastic finale to the camp. Congratulations to the Amazing Amigos who came out on top in the final tally.
For the swimmers, it has been a huge week – a learning curve of drawing together and making new friends, and supporting each other through thick and thin. In her speech at the presentation ceremony, Leanne told the squad how proud she was of their camaraderie and how she hopes the team spirit will stay strong back in Sydney, where there are more distractions at home and school. She wants them to take responsibility to get up when the alarm rings and come to training. The goal is to turn up to every session possible and train together – now that we know how important it is (and how much fun it is!) to swim with friends.
Hope everyone is resting up at home – see you next year!